January 14(Thursday) Poster Session

“Natural Gas based trigeneration: An energy efficiency option for buildings”
   G C Datta Roy, DSCL Energy Services Company Ltd., India
“The management mechanism for energy efficiency of chiller units in Taiwan”
   Bing-Chwen Yang, ITRI, Taiwan
“High efficiency building air conditioning system”
   Koji Kanaoka, Daikin Industries, Ltd, Japan
“The Shaw-Method-of-Air-Conditioning (SMAC), The high efficiency HVAC “Process”, The technology presentation and success in ESCO cases that achieved from 25% to 60% energy savings”
   Peerasut Thirakomen, Goldmark Technical Supply Co., Ltd., Thailand
“Inovative financing mechanism for implementation of Energy Efficiency projects”
   Saurabh Kumar, Secretary, Bureau of Energy Efficiency(BEE), India

“JBIC finance for energy efficiency investment”
   Takashi Hongo, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Japan
“JICA’s approach for energy efficiency finance in India”
   Keiji Katai, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) India Office, Japan
“Energy efficiency financing by banks and financial institutions: A review of experience of 3CEE project”
   Sonalal Datta, Consultant to World Bank, India
“Financing of energy efficiency projects”
   Dominic Yin, EESCO P2E2 Hong Kong Limited, Hong Kong

“Korean Association for ESCOs”
   Geunhwan Goh, Korean Association of ESCOs, Korea
“The launch and progress of alliance for an energy efficient economy”
   Reshmi Vasudevan, Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy, India

“How to use M&V for further energy saving”

   Takamitsu Shibata, Nippon Totor Co., Ltd., Japan
“Solving the EPC-Baseline Problem? The new integral energy contracting model. Design and first success stories”
   Jan W. Bleyl-Androschin, IEA dsm Task XVI, Austria
“Significance of M & V protocol”
   Shaikh Shamser Ali, BEE Certified Energy Auditor & Energy Manager, India
“Recipe for developing a winning M&V formula in Indian ESCO projects: Balancing rigor and accuracy with cost-effectiveness and practicality”
  Satish Kumar, USAID ECO-III Project, India
“Baseline establishment and development of measurement and verification plan: Challenges”
   M G Dave, DSCL Energy Services Company Ltd., India
“Dispute mitigation: Standardization of M&V protocol in ESCO agreement”
   Shubhashis Dey, Sodexo FMS India Private Limited, India

“Case study of ESCO for general hospital”
   Shinsuke Okochi, Yamatake Corporation, Japan
“Upgrading Delhi’s buildings using Australia’s ESCO experience”
   Stuart Macfarlane, Energy Conservation Systems, Australia
“Case study of energy saving performance contract”
   Sridharan Ragharachar, Online Energy Manager Private Limited, India
“ESCO, Investor-Owned Utility and Government relationships in California, USA”
   Emily Schell, Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments Energy Watch, U.S.A

Closing Remark
   Takeshi Yoshida, Chief Representative, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) Representative Office in New Delhi
Closing Remark
   Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director General, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Government of India, New Delhi, India

Dinner speech
   Karan Grover, Founder, Karan Grover & Associates

January 14(Thursday) Poster Session

30 Sep 2009
Submission of Abstracts and proposal for vendor showcase are to be sent to

30 Oct 2009
Authors will be notified whether their papers are accepted or rejected.

30 Nov. 2009
Final presentation slides for the Asia ESCO Conference 2010 must be received for submission to Jyukankyo Research Institute to be included for printing in the proceedings be received for submission

14-15, Jan2010
Asia ESCO Conference 2010

HOST of the conference

New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)


Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Govt of India, New Delhi

Supported by

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan

Ministry of Power (MOP), Govt. of India, New Delh

Japan Association of Energy Service Companies (JAESCO)